Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Adopt a Pet!

Here are reasons why you should adopt a pet rather than buying one -

I adopted Khaya from a vet when he was 7 months old (he's now just over 2 years) and we both couldn't be happier!

There are many reasons why you should adopt a pet:

1. You are saving a life
2. You are giving an animal a forever home
3. You have their trust and respect for life (this will take time and you will have to earn it and ensure that you give him/her trust and respect in return)
4. There is no bond quite like a bond between a pet and an owner
5. Your pet will give you unconditional love (with the right treatment and care; once your pet has placed his/her trust in you and you have earned that trust - the bond can never be broken)
6. Having a pet is good for you.
7. If you adopt a pet; you have to commit to 10 - 15 years of your life with him/her - adopt wisely - be prepared for the commitment
8. I can think of a hundred more reasons - but this last one is, you don't realise how simple happiness until you have adopted a pet. Mine has added an incredible warmth and spirit to my life!

Source: Pinterest